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SQL Procedure passed variables

There are 7 procedures that are involved. One procedure will return the the intial result set of songTitles and mainTitles. To view the contents of a selected mainTitle, you must call the another procedure with the parent_ID of the result set returned from the first procedure. This is only a sample. The full details will be provided upon purchase of the package.

These are the fields that may be passed to the first search procedure. Nulls may be passed. When you pass a vendor variable field, you must pass another field variable, otherwise, no results will be returned. The corresponging operand must be passed if a field variable is passed.

Field variables:
@varTitle nvarchar(100)
@varComposer nvarchar(50)
@varArranger nvarchar(50)
@varArtist nvarchar(50)
@varDescript nvarchar(60)
@varVendor nvarchar(40)
@varCatalog_no nvarchar(14)
@varSeries nvarchar(30)
@varLevel nvarchar(3)
@varKey nvarchar(3)
@varUPC nvarchar(17)
@varISBN nvarchar(13)
@varPrice nvarchar(8)

Only required when a corresponding field varaiable from above is passed. If an operand is passed and the corresponding field is null, the operand will be ignored.

The following fields can be equal to 'like', 'not like' and 'contains'
@varOpTitle nvarchar(8)
@varOpComposer nvarchar(8)
@varOpArranger nvarchar(8)
@varOpArtist nvarchar(8)
@varOpDescript nvarchar(8)
@varOpVendor nvarchar(8)

The following fields can be equal to 'like' and 'not like'
@varOpCatalog_no nvarchar(8)
@varOpSeries nvarchar(8)
@varOpLevel nvarchar(8)
@varOpKey nvarchar(8)
@varOpUPC nvarchar(8)
@varOpISBN nvarchar(8)

The following fields can be equal to '=', ',>',  '<', '<=' or '>='
@varOpPrice nvarchar(8)

The following option can use 1 or more of the following fields: MainTitle, SongTitle, composer,arranger, artist, catalog_no, isbn, mLevel, Price, Key, Series, Description, and Vendor
@varOrder nvarchar(200)

The following option must be 1 of the following: All, Band, Orchestra, Keyboard, Woodwind, Brass, Handbells, Vocal, Choral, Fretted, Percussion, Misc, Other
@varCategory nvarchar(10)

The following must be 1 of the following: All, Classical, Popular, Christmas, Sacred, or Secular
@varGenre nvarchar(20)

The following option must be 1 of the following: All, songTitle or mainTitle
@varcombo nvarchar(100)

The following must be your valid username
@username nvarchar(20)

All searches will only return up to 500 records

The second search procedure requires the parent_ID of the first procedure result set.
@parent_id nvarchar(10)

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